Collaboration with Josine Beugels,
Eindhoven (NL), 2020
Poepdoos is een samenwerking tussen designer Nora Jongen en beeldend kunstenaar Josine Beugels, ontwikkeld in tijden van hoge nood.
Deze draagbare Eco-Toilet speelt in op de huidige kampeersituatie, waarbij iedereen zijn eigen sanitair dient te gebruiken. Hij is mooi, vrolijk en praktisch.
Verkrijgbaar in een beperkte en genummerde oplage. Inclusief zaagsel en toiletpapier.

Eindhoven (NL), 2019
“When I’m not thinking about where I come from or where I go to, I see the beauty of the city. The richness of patterns, materials and height differences of the environment. Not my destination but this beauty determines my direction. I leave traces behind, my route visualised. The route of someone who has time. The route of someone who is time. I follow this route without knowing to where it leads me. I trust my inner feeling for time, where the purest form of creativity and reality can be perceived.”

Time Worth Spending
Collaboration with Jeannete Lili Weiss
Part of the exhibition 'Life Time - Biological Clocks of the Universe' | MU Eindhoven (NL), 2018
"How did it get so late so soon?" - Dr. Seuss
Time Worth Spending is an exercise in being idle. In our always-busy culture, being idle can seem an impossible indulgence - or a total waste of time. It feels uncomfortable because it might be perceived as being lazy. But empty time is good medicine and active inactivity essential for creativity!

Fertile Landscapes
Maastricht <> Berlin (NL,GE), 2017
While cycling from Maastricht to Berlin infinite landscapes gave me rest and inspiration. With a woven representation of the experience the memory fades away. The fertile soil for new ideas endures.

Model: Renee Lustermans

Don't eat me!
Eindhoven (NL), 2018
Don't eat me! is a public conversation about eating seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Sprout Factory
Eindhoven (NL), 2018
The sprout is the stage of the plant, which consists the most valuable nutritions for human, including vitamins, minerals and fibres.
Making your own sprouts is simple and beneficial, but it also takes time and needs attention. The Sprout Factory provides regularity and simplicity to grow and harvest sprouts.